Nicknames like K-girl, Ha and Horton

Friday, October 31, 2008

Been Booo'd!

Thanks to "absolutelymoms", I've been Boo'd....thanks! Way too busy at work to write but wanted to send the "Boooooey Love"

Monday, October 6, 2008

Mommy, Mommy...Come Quick

So I do. I bust my ass getting down the stairs thinking she is hurt or stuck in the closet....I run around the corner into the kitchen and collapse into a laughing heep!. To her 5 year old dismay, she begins with the "sad" face. "don't you like it? I worked really hard on it and you're laughing at it." Trying to regroup and gain some composure (still cracking up and talking through clinched jaw to ease her pain) I say "why don't you tell me about your .........laughing hysterically AGAIN, masterpiece." Now I am getting the brow frown. "why are you laughing at me mommy?" I am completely unable to regain my composure and am sitting on the floor laughing so hard, tears are forming. all at the expense of my 5 year old little princess........but here is why

A Penis and its nuts.....right??? Are you all with me? I am thinking, racing in my head why in the world would my daughter be creating a clay model of a dick? Then she says to me "why don't you like my weaner dog? WHAT????????????????? a dog I say? She says "yes, a dog, see." and she turned it around........

Need I say more?

Friday, October 3, 2008

Weekly B&M per jilljillbobill

Here is my "thing" this week. Why do so many people walk around afraid to express their true political opinions? Why can't people just say "I think McCain or I think Obama just fell off the truck and there is no way in God's name I would vote for them"? Instead we get "well, I feel as though we need change in America and we need to end the war and we need to talk to promote peace. GAWD we all sound like a bunch of beauty pageant contestants vying for a title. Why are so many people afraid to tell it like it is. If you piss someone off and they won't talk to you then they were never that good of a friend to begin with and you are probably better off without them. Seriously, my two best friends and I couldn't have more different political beliefs and we TALK about them and we fight and then agree to disagree. So I would proudly display my McCain/Palin sticker (if I had one) and my two best friends would tamper with my car in some way and then I would get them back for having Obama on theirs. We would all know who did what and vow to get them back worse next time.

B&M #2
What is up with what I call "gym do"s"? You all know the ones I am talking about. The women who "do" their hair and "do" their make-up and "do" what ever they can to look hot when they are glistening and supposedly working out. I don't know about you guys but I fricken sweat. I mean man sweat. I leave puddles and my clothes look like I just went for a swim. No, I am not a "gym do" in any fashion and one day I think I will put my foot out and trip one of them just because I can. I bet their face will still be on the floor even when they are standing because of the plaster they applied prior to coming! I just don't get it........

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Looking over my shoulder

We often hear stories about people who see ghosts or can talk to angels and I am one of those who didn't necessarily believe in all of that but still had a healthy curiosity. I have to say I am now a believer. I have witnessed and have been told way too many stories from close friends to dispute it any longer.

Here it goes........

My great-uncle Bill passed away at age 99 a few years back. He loved my daughter and her spirit. I am driving in the car and stopped at a light near my house. She (age 2) starts giggling and pointing out of the car window saying "funny man". I'm looking around everywhere and quickly get this eerie feeling about me because I am the only car in this normally busy 4-way intersection and not one other sole was around. She kept laughing and pointing. I ask her is he nice? Is he scary? Can you see him? Are you afraid? All she kept doing was laughing and waving out her window telling me that yes, she could see him and he was nice and wearing a hat. (my uncle always wore hats) The light turned green and I took 19 inches of tread off my tires getting the hell out of there. My heart was thumping and as I was driving off she kept waving and turning around to saying "bye bye" and then she looked at me looking at her in the mirror and said "Bill". WOW! I instantly knew it was him.

My father passed away 2 1/2 years ago from cancer. I was with him when he went and that night I drove myself to my mom's house. I began crying hysterically in the car. The weather was bad. The roads were bad. In an instant the entire cab of the truck filled with his smell and gave me a sense of calm unlike anything I've ever felt. Without pause, I stopped crying and got myself together and as soon as that happened, a quick big wind swept through the truck and the smell was gone. Yes, he carried me that night. I had a very difficult time with his passing and over the next few months I always felt that he was with me. I would see images over my shoulder and then there were gone in a flash and then one day when I was OK. I noticed I didn't see them any longer. Well, now that I'm in the midst of this divorce and my spouse did what he did, the images are back and I feel his presence all over my house and around my kids......He carries us now too.

Thank God for small miracles.