Nicknames like K-girl, Ha and Horton

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Oh hell

Oh, yes my chitlens are going to be soooooooo proud of their momma. When they come home they are going to have a new TV to watch. (had a 5K TOSHIBA plasma that is toast after 4 years) NOTE AGAIN A TOSHIBA TOSHIBA TOSHIBA TOSHIBA....really pissed at them. Anyway, I say to myself no problem, you can hook this thing up. You've done this a million times. WHAT THE HELL! Red cable here, yellow cable there, green cable here, blue cable there, coaxle cable here, thingamabingy that looks like a pc usb goes there but only if I have a video up coverter whatzamacallit that I can plug into the HDSTL.......I mean really, does that stand for "HARD DAMN SITE TO LOCATE"? OK, the clouds in my head are thickening and I am starting to get reallllllllllly mad. So, like any normal person would do I get out both manuals. One for the cable box and the one for the TV. Are they helpful? Hell no. One tells me to put the blue cable in the video out but only if I have a yellow cable in the audio in and an S video feed....OH MY GOD IN HEAVEN....again I say "what the hell"? I"m ripping cables out and literally shoving them in every single slot and nothing. So, yes I do it, I call customer service and after 45 minutes on hold and a really nice guy on the other end of the phone who didn't even laugh when the first thing he told me to do was to TURN THE CABLE BOX ON and all is now good.


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