Nicknames like K-girl, Ha and Horton

Monday, September 8, 2008


She's in the middle and ready to kick some booty
Blue Cheetah Soccer Rules

9:15 am
Water break

OK Kennedy,when you see the fast one coming at you I want you to throw your foot out there and take her out! Make daddy proud.

Oh and let me mention that I had five little girls staring at me like Bambi. I was "Snack Mom". I look at them and instantly look to their parents who are also looking at me with "the LOOK". I am going, Oh Store High In Transit! So I give the look of shock to them and say "oh was I supposed to have a mid-game snack too? DUH! Yes, I was the winner or should I say weaner. Had no mid-game snack. But I WILL NOT forget it next time. Especially since the mother of "my daughter plays club league" (she's 5, big F'n deal) get over your bad self already, made her suggestions on what I should bring next time. She has no idea how close she came to being the "my daughter plays club" mother without her two front teeth"...MEOWWWWWWW

Oh Yea, just try and get it by me. I've got the stance!!

It was the cutest thing. Kennedy didn't know which end was up but she sure knew enough to protect the goal. At one point she through herself in front the goal to stop a ball from going in. That's my girl. OOOOPS, Gotta to Disney


Yep, that is right folkes. See what time it is? We are now at Disneyland eating lunch in the Blue Bayou Restaurant and as you can see, I had no time for a shower so I have hat hair.


Could they be any cuter?

Call me stupid but does anyone see a pattern here? Little 10 year old is gettn' some testerone in the ole blood. Oh yea baby you strong. He is a great kid. I am a lucky mom.

Wouldn't it be great if we could really lock out kids up like this?
Oh CRAP, my friends can't see me sitting in Minnie's chair. Mom, stop! Aint funny, you better delete it! ............Sorry babe, you are just not that big yet.

After years of Disney going and hours of waiting, I (i mean we) finally did it. I met (i mean we met) MICKEY MOUSE!


Many of you may know how crazy it gets at Disney and sometimes we think we just may lose it. Well, sadly enough, we did and this is what happened to my children.

9:59 pm ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh



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